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Q1.Is IVF a painful process?

A1.No,this is a myth.The only pain is that of taking injections for 9-10 odd days, that is, if one considers those pricks to be painful.Otherwise, the procedure involves only ultrasound monitorings and a few blood tests.

Q2.Is the child born through this process abnormal?

A3.No,the IVF baby is as normal as a baby conceived through natural process.There may be a theoretical 1-2% increased risk of anomalies.A baby conceived spontaneously incurs a 3-5% risk of GCA.

Q3.Is it true that the baby born through IVF is not biologically the couple’s own progeny?

A3.No,this is a false statement.IVF children are genetically the same as would have been a baby born normally to them.(Only in extreme cases ,the couple has to go in for third-party program )


Q4.Can men with absent sperms in semen become fathers?

A4.Definitely yes.In many cases,the way  from the testis(organ where sperms are made) to the outside is blocked.Doctors are able to take out sperms from the testis by highly specialized methods and then do IVF with them.Therefore,it is possible for men with zero sperm count to become fathers of their own genetic child.


Q5.If the couple has first child through IVF,is it necessary that the second child will also be conceived via IVF?

A5.No,an IVF procedure does not cause any such changes in the body which would make a second IVF mandatory.Many a times,couples conceive spontaneously too.


Q6.Do all IVF pregnancies need bedrest?

A6.No,IVF is just a means of making a woman pregnant. Scientifically, once pregnant, it is the same any other pregnancy.Women even drive and go to work as they were before getting pregnant.


Q7.Is there a need for hospitalization or rest after embryo transfer ?

A7.No.There is no need for physical rest as such.More important is mental rest  and the need to be stress-free.

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